On 5th August, H.E.Ambassador Zhang Jun was invited to attend the opening ceremony of the exhibition of West-meets-east and delivered a speech.
The Ambassador first expressed his appreciation to the host and the Chinese artists for their contribution for holding the exhibition and wishes it a great success. He also pointed out that considering both counties own a long history of coexistence with the sea, and the contacts between the two counties could be traced back to the sixteenth century, China and the Netherlands are more than qualified in presenting their understanding about maritime culture and art. The exhibition will serve as a bridge for better communication between the people of China and the Netherlands, and thus bring closer the distance of the two countries.
About the sister cities- Shanghai and Rotterdam which are involved in the exhibition, the Ambassador mentioned, since the establishment of the sisterhood relationship in 1979, people have eye-witnessed great achievements in the cooperation between the two cities in a variety of areas. As a developing country, China have learnt many experiences from the Netherlands through the exchanges of the two sister cities. Meanwhile, the development of Shanghai and China also offers Dutch entrepreneurs and companies many opportunities.
The Ambassador finally pointed out, the flame of the 29th Olympic Games will be lightened in Beijing three days later. The Games is the first time to be held in a country which has the largest population, a rich culture and the most energetic economy in the world. It is a big event belongs not only to the Chinese, but also to the people all over the world. China is ready to open its arms to all the athletes and tourists. By going to China, all friends abroad will have a good chance to enjoy the Chinese culture and hospitality, and have a close look at a real China.
The exhibition is hosted by Seaman Foundation, and about 12 Chinese artists participate in it. According to the host, the exhibition will make a tour later in other cities such as Groningen in the Netherlands, and last till the end of September.