ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea Summit Issues Statement on Cooperation on Food Security and Bio-Energy Development

On October 25, 2009, the 12th ASEAN Plus China, Japan and South Korea (10+3) Summit issued the Statement on ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation on Food Security and Bio-Energy Development.

According to the statement, participating leaders decided to entrust their agricultural and forestry ministers to consult relevant agencies and international organizations to develop a comprehensive strategy on sustainable and integrated food and bio-energy production and consumption so as to promote the optimized allocation of food and bio-energy production. Such a strategic plan will be submitted to the 10+3 Summit in 2010 for the participating leaders to review.

Since the fluctuation of food and energy prices influence people's life and economic development in the region, the participating leaders agreed unanimously that food security deserves our attention and it is necessary to develop sustainable bio-energy. They stressed that food security and energy security are linked with each other and should be handled at the precondition of balancing production of food and fuel crops in order to ensure sustainable development.

They endorsed the continuation of the East Asia Emergency Rice Reserve (EAERR) Pilot Project and explored the possibility of building the ASEAN Plus 3 Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR) based on the experience of pilot project. They promised to increase their domestic food production and support the implementation of the ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework and the Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security for the ASEAN Region (SPA-FS).

They agreed to promote bio-energy trade and technological innovation and enhance cooperation to cope with climate change-related issues.

During the 14th ASEAN Summit held in Cha-am Hua Hin at the end of February and the beginning of March this year, the ASEAN leaders jointly issued the Statement on Food Security in the ASEAN Region in which they pledged to make food security a permanent top priority of ASEAN, establish the AIFS Framework and develop a five-year (2009-2013) SPA-FS in order to ensure the long-term food security in the region and improve farmers' living standards.