The statement made by Ambassador Zhang Jun during the General Debate of the Thirteenth Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention on 2 December is as follows:
Mr. Chairman,
First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the Chinese delegation, to congratulate you on your election as the Chairman of the current session of the Conference. I am confident that with your abundant diplomatic experience and outstanding abilities, you will surely guide this session to a success. The Chinese delegation is prepared for full cooperation with you, and with other delegations. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the excellent performance by your predecessor, Ambassador Abuelgasim Idris of
Mr. Chairman,
The Chemical Weapons Convention (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention") is the first multilateral disarmament treaty which provides for the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of an entire category of weapons of mass destruction through a stringent verification regime. In the 11 years of its implementation, the Convention has yielded significant achievements in chemical disarmament and non-proliferation and played a crucial role in eliminating the threat of chemical weapons for mankind. The success of the Convention has proved that the strengthening of multilateral cooperation among all countries is the only effective way towards tackling threats, safeguarding common security and promoting peace and development.
On the other hand, this is by no means a tranquil world. The complicated and volatile circumstances of international security have also imposed higher requirements on chemical disarmament and non-proliferation. This CSP session is the first since the Second Review Conference held this year and will thus play a key role in translating fully what was achieved at the Review Conference into effect. I hope that at this session, States Parties will deepen their cooperation, lessen their differences and forge consensus, so as to make it a success and help advance comprehensively our work in chemical disarmament and non-proliferation.
Now, I would like to elaborate on my delegation's views on some agenda items.
Firstly, the speedy and complete destruction of chemical weapons within the timelines stipulated by the Convention is a core element and fundamental object of the Convention, and has a direct bearing on the Convention's prestige and credibility. My delegation commends the positive efforts made by the possessor states in fulfilling their obligations under the Convention, and calls on them meanwhile to honour their obligations in earnest, overcome all difficulties and ensure the completion of the destruction by the 2012 deadline set by the Convention. As the final deadline is now drawing nearer and nearer, the task of CW destruction remains rather arduous. The OPCW should continue to take the verification of the destruction as a priority and the focus of its work and perform its monitoring function stringently. Therefore, in its planning and budgetary processes, the OPCW should give full consideration to the urgent and complex nature of the destruction and guarantee adequate resources for its verification, so as to ensure the realization of this core object of the Convention.
Secondly, the promotion of the universality of the Convention and of implementation measures is an important guarantee for the comprehensive and effective implementation of the Convention. The Chinese delegation was pleased to note that thanks to the joint efforts of States Parties and the Secretariat, the number of States Parties has now reached 184, and that States Parties have also made positive progress in putting the measures in place. My delegation supports the further implementation of the action plans on the universality and on implementation measures through continued cooperation and exchanges.
Thirdly, industry verification is an important means of enhancing mutual trust and preventing CW proliferation. At the Second Review Conference, consensus was reached on strengthening and improving the industry verification mechanism. It reflects the major concerns of States Parties and should receive respect from them. Supportive of its improvement, my delegation is of the view that the mechanism should be strengthened in keeping with the principle of going about it in a sound, gradual and orderly manner, and with due regard to balanced geographical distributions and the receiving capacities of States Parties. A proper solution ought to be found in this way. I believe that that will be helpful to refining the mechanism and improving our work in this area. My delegation will join in the consultation with a constructive and responsible approach.
Fourthly, protection and assistance and international cooperation in the field of chemical activities are vital pillars and objects of the Convention. Effective international cooperation is of great significance for improving States Parties' CW protection capabilities, promote their regular trade and enhance the universality of the Convention. My delegation commends the Secretariat for its enormous efforts made in promoting the use of chemical activities for peaceful purposes, and wishes to call on all parties to accord higher attention to and more inputs in this area, and carry out substantive exchanges and cooperation.
Mr. Chairman,
The speedy, safe and complete destruction of the chemical weapons abandoned by
Mr. Chairman,
The Chinese government pays high attention to its cooperation with the Secretariat. Last May, the Director-General Mr. Pfirter paid a successful visit to
Mr. Chairman,
The thorough elimination of chemical weapons at an early date and the realization of a CW-free world will serve the common interests of all peoples.
Mr. Chairman, the Chinese government has always attached much importance to the implementation of the Convention in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of